As a qualified & fully insured soft tissue therapist, I can offer a range of services to help support the health and wellbeing of an organisation, whether it be on an individual or group basis, through on-site therapies, wellbeing workshops or wellbeing gift boxes.
Bespoke packages are available and additional therapists / teachers may be provided offering complementary skills for larger groups or half-day / full day retreats eg. Reiki, Yoga, Pilates.
Please contact me for further information or to request a quote.
On-Site Seated Acupressure Massage (OSAM)
OSAM is ideal for employers looking to actively promote health & wellbeing within their company and may offer the opportunity to:
The treatment time is variable (typically 10 or 20 minutes) and the sequence is carried out through clothing with the client seated on an ergonomically designed chair that offers both comfort & support. It is ideal for use in the workplace, at events or for those who would like to experience a reduction in muscle tension and an increase in relaxation but who are either unable to, or prefer not to, remove clothing or lie on a therapy couch to receive therapeutic treatments.
I have enjoyed using OSAM in my treatment room, out & about at community events and in the workplace where it is so rewarding to see how much the recipient benefits from a brief pause in their busy day to experience the power of positive therapeutic touch.
It is estimated that “360 million working days are lost every year in the UK at a cost of £8 billion and half are due to stress-related problems”?
- Mental Health & Stress in the Workplace, Guide for Employers
As with all treatments, I will carry out an initial consultation to ensure that OSAM is safe and appropriate for each individual & require signed consent before proceeding with treatment.
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